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The Soul Star Chakra, known as The Seat of the Soul, is located 6-12 inches above the crown chakra - its the highest point of the physical body. When activated, Divine light is able to flow through this energetic centre to access higher consciousness. Here Divine love can be truly felt and experienced, and awareness of our power as a Divine soul and spiritual being is recognized.


When open, Divine light flows up through this chakra, connecting us to the infinite power of the Divine light above before flowing back down to our entire being to replenish, empower, and enlighten, before flowing once again. The Soul Star Chakra resonates with mostly white crystals.


The white ray energy of the eighth chakra is a powerful restorative, it will aid emotional balancing and stability, and bring deep inner peace and tranquillity, by the access to Divine Wisdom you may become aware of the oneness of all that is. The eighth chakra is a chakra that is about ascension and your spiritual self.

Soul Star Chakra Bracelet

  • This handmade gemstone bracelet is made with AAA Grade crystals, picked and arranged to utilise their best qualities and is strung on strong stretchy cord.

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